Wednesday 16 May 2012

Review: The Natures Co Camomile Dusting Powder

It’s summer and it’s humid. Let’s face it, the only upside to living in India in the summer are the lovely mangoes. You can’t wear short skirts or short shorts, can’t wear belly tops and anything else that would keep you cool. Atleast not everywhere and let’s face it, we aren’t going to be feeling hot when we’re out in the star hotel’s lounge, we are going to be feeling hot when we’re out in the market shopping for groceries and suchlike.

Now I have folliculitis. Does anyone know what this is? If not here’s a wikipedia link for you to understand it. Now mine isn’t so bad, it only comes when it’s humid, or if I've waxed or shaved and only comes in the legs and the arms. Nowhere else. But i cannot use heavy body creams or lotions and certainly nothing that has petroleum jelly in them or anything else that is going to block pores. But you can understand how it makes life hell for me….


Now the thing is, I live in Chennai, which pretty much sucks because it is not only horridly humid, but i can’t roam about in shorts. Hell people stare if I roam around in pants that are above my knees. So I end up wearing pants or tights with a long flowy top so that atleast one half of me is breezed out. But what about the other half? I use this camomile dusting powder.

Now this is part of the package sent to me by The Nature’s co. It is part of their Atmospure collection. And it is priced at 225 INR for 100 GMS.

What the company claims: Relaxing calming and soothing. Kaolin works as a great absorbent and Cocoa smoothes the skin.Slip into Luxurious Body Dusting Powder that is infused with the relaxing Chamomile essential oil leaving you feel calm and soothed. Kaolin works as a great absorbent and Cocoa smoothes the skin. Sprinkle into palm of hand and gently pat onto body after bathing or showering.”

I love it. I thoroughly love it. I mean, it is very comfortable to use and it has helped me greatly in the sense that I can actually wear jeans in summer without getting random red bumps on my legs which is a welcome change to all the itching and the lacto calamine lotion and all that jazz which didn’t really work well.



For those of you who are germaphobes, it comes in a sprinkle can like we get for herbs and spices. And is sealed with this so you know that it’s coming directly from the manufacturer.


It has the same consistency as regular powder. I like the fragrance as it isn’t too much but at the same time It is pleasant. Some might not like the scent but it isn’t such a big deal for me. Read the rest here.



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